Vicious dog ownership studies ::
Studies and research papers examining the owners of high risk dog breeds and the deviant culture of dogfighting authored by doctors, psychologists, legal and animal welfare specialists.
- Factors Regarding the Dog Owner’s Household Situation, Antisocial Behaviours, Animal Views and Animal Treatment in a Population of Dogs Confiscated After Biting Humans and/or Other Animals, by Herwijnen IR, Borg JA, Kapteijn CM, Arndt SS, Vinke CM, Plos One, March 22, 2023.
- A First Criminological Insight into the Law (2007:1150) on Supervision of Dogs and Cats, by Sarenbo S and Striwing H, Nordic Journal of Forensic Science, No. 2/2023 | Translate document.
- Dog Owners’ Supervising Duty and Criminal Negligence – A Critical Review of Two Judgments by Swedish Courts of Appeal, by Striwing H, Sarenbo S, Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments, Vol 1, Nov 2021, 100031.
- Animal People [Chapter 7: Vicious Circle], by Meghan Ann Brown (2015). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 14646. Iowa State University Digital Repository (
- Abstract The Personality of "Aggressive" and "Non-Aggressive" Dog Owners, by Wells DL, Hepper PG, Personality and Individual Differences, October 2012;53: 770–773.
- Abstract Vicious Dogs Part 2: Criminal Thinking, Callousness, and Personality Styles of Their Owners, by Schenk AM, Ragatz LL, Fremouw WJ, J Forensic Sci, 2012 Jan;57(1):152-9 [Nov 2011, Epub].
- Vicious Dogs: The Antisocial Behaviors and Psychological Characteristics of Owners, by Ragatz L, Fremouw W, Thomas T, McCoy K, J Forensic Sci, 2009 May;54(3):699-703 [Mar 2009, Epub].
- Ownership of High Risk ("Vicious") Dogs as a Marker for Deviant Behaviors: Implications for Risk Assessment, by Barnes JE, Boat BW, Putnam FW, Dates HF, Mahlman AR, J Interpers Violence, 2006 Dec;21(12):1616-34.
- Views of College Students on Pit Bull "Ownership" New Providence, The Bahamas, by Burrows TJ, Fielding WJ, The College of the Bahamas, Society & Animals, 13-2; 2005.
- Dog Fighting Detailed Discussion, by Hanna Gibson, Michigan State University College of Law, Animal Legal and Historical Center, 2005.
- Managing the Stigma of Outlaw Breeds: A Case Study of Pit Bull Owners, by Twining H, Arluke A, Patronek G, Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy, Society & Animals Journal of Human-Animal Studies, Vol. 8 Number 1, 2000.
- Dogmen: The Rationalization of Deviance, by Forsythe CJ, Evans RD, Texas A&M University, Society & Animals Journal of Human-Animal Studies, Vol. 6 Number 3, 1998 .
- A review of, Why We Love the Dogs We Do: How to Find the Dog That Matches Your Personality, by Stanley Coren, Ph.D., Simon and Schuster, 1998 (View the related personality test developed by Coren and published in his book).