Case reports & presentations ::
Case reports, case series reports, medical literature reviews and presentations examining severe and fatal dog bite injuries, authored by doctors, plastic surgeons, forensic pathologists, and more.
Case reports
- Abstract Dog bites or knife wounds? A case report of atypical neck injuries, by Pefferkorn E, Dedouit F, Savall F, Saint-Martin P, Forensic Sci Med Pathol, 2024 Nov 29..
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Complex Fatal Attack Due to a Pack of Maremma Sheepdogs: Is It Always an Accident?, by Sacco MA, Galassi FM, Varotto E, Landini L, Gualtieri S, Mazzuca W, Ricci P, Chiaravalloti G, Aquila I, Cureus, March 25, 2024.
- Abstract Animal Bites in Emergency Medicine, by Garth AP, Harris NS, eMedicine, Updated: October 7, 2021.
- Maxillofacial Management of Dog Bites Injuries in an Infant: A Case Report, by Ardila CS, Contreras-Gomez N, Alvarez-Martinez E, CES Odontología, Jan-June 2020.
- Abstract Anesthetic Management of a Cardiac Transplant Patient After Extensive Facial Trauma Caused by a Pit Bull Attack, by Sun HB, Antoine J, Vu G, Park CM, J Oral Maxillofac Surg, October 2019, Pages 2018.e1-2018.e4.
- Multiple Open Wrist Fractures and Dislocation of the Distal Radioulnar Joint from a Dog Bite Injury, by Relyea-Chew A, Chew FS, Radiology Case Reports, 14(7):837-841, July 2019.
- Primary Repair of a Complex Panfacial Fracture by Dog Bite, by Heitz C, Louzada GP, Conci RA, Rodrigues RL, Fritscher GG, Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open, 2018 Apr 12;6(4):e1719.
- Pit Bull Attack Causing Limb Threatening Vascular Trauma -- A Case Series, by Harnarayan P, Islam S, Ramsingh C, Naraynsingh V, Int J Surg Case Rep, 2018;42:133-137.
- Abstract Domestic Predation of an Elder: A Fatal Dog Attack Case, by Garff E, Mesli V, Delannoy Y, Pollard J, Bécart A, Hédouin V, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 09 June 2017.
- Abstract Outcome of Children Admitted to a Trauma Referral Center with Dog-Bite-Related Injuries, by Sinha M, Foster K, Valdez A, AAP National Conference & Exhibition, October 11-14, 2014
- Abstract Periorbital Trauma from Pit Bull Terrier Attacks, by Wladis EJ, Dewan MA, Orbit, 2012 Jun;31(3):200-2.
- Abstract Dog Bite-Related Fatalities: A 15-Year Review of Kentucky Medical Examiner Cases, by Shields LB, Bernstein ML, Hunsaker JC, Stewart DM, Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 2009 Sep;30(3):223-30.
- Omental Free-Tissue Transfer for Coverage of Complex Upper Extremity and Hand Defects--The Forgotten Flap, by Seitz IA, Williams CS, Wiedrich TA, Henry G, Seiler JG, Schechter LS, Hand (N Y), 2009 Dec;4(4):397-405.
- Pitbull Mauling Deaths in Detroit, by Loewe CL, Diaz FJ, Bechinski J, Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 2007 Dec;28(4):356-60.
- Extensive and Mutilating Craniofacial Trauma Involving Defleshing and Decapitation: Unusual Features of Fatal Dog Attacks in the Young, by Tsokos M, Byard R, Puschel K, Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 2007;28: 131-136.
- Fatal and Near-Fatal Animal Bite Injuries, by Clark MA, Sandusky GE, Hawley DA, Pless JE, Fardal PM, Tate LR, J Forensic Sci, 1991 Jul;36(4):1256-61.
- Mauling by Pit Bull Terriers: Case Report, by Baack BR, Kucan JO, Demarest G, Smoot EC, J Trauma, 29(4):517-520, April 1989.
- Pit Bull Attack: Case Report and Literature Review, by Viegas SF, Calhoun JH, Mader J, Texas Med, 1988 Nov;84(11):40-4.
- Abstract: A Review of Dog Bites in the United States from 1958 to 2016: Systematic Review of the Peer-Reviewed Literature, by Bailey C, Hinchcliff K, Pu L, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 2017 Abstract Supplement, Presentations at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons' Annual Meeting: Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2017, 2017 Sep; 5(9 Suppl): 172-173.
- Outcome of Children Admitted to a Trauma Referral Center with Dog-Bite-Related Injuries, by Yeung C, Sinha M, Foster KN, Valdez A, AAP National Conference, October 2014 (View related article).
- A Pediatric Tertiary Referral Center’s Experience with Man’s Best Friend: Presentation, Management, and the Implications for Dog and Owner, by Bykowski MR, Phil B, Shakir S, Smith D, Naran S, Gaines B, Squires J, Losee JE, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA., October 2011.
- A Ten-Year, Two-Institution Review of Pediatric Dog Attacks: Advocating for a Nationwide Prohibition of Dangerous Dogs, by Arneja JS, Pappas K, Huettner W, Rozzelle AA, Singh G, American Association of Plastic Surgeons - 2008 Annual Meeting