Learn how dog bite victims and witnesses of serious and fatal pit bull attacks describe the horrific attack experience including, being maimed beyond recognition, fractured skull injuries and more.
federal lawsuit
She suffered the amputation of both legs due to sepsis, endured additional surgeries, including a second amputation above the stump of her left leg, and extensive skin grafts on her arms, which were chewed to the bone.
biological father
I just woke up and my daughter is dead. There's blood everywhere, I don't know what happened ... My baby is dead. This has got to be a f---ing nightmare.
911 caller
Caller just received a call from her uncle who was watching her kids at this residence. He thinks her 6-year old son is dead. That the dog ate his face.
search warrant
Soon after the first dog attacked, a second pit bull started attacking [Covil]. There were adults in the area that started to defend [Covil] by using hammers and pickaxes to get the dogs off [Covil].
shauntaye phillips
The dogs bit a pretty big hole out of his arm and tore his artery, so he lost a lot of blood. He is on dialysis. He has to keep getting transfusions. They cut off his right arm.
chief deputy county attorney lori zucco
This is one of the most gruesome homicides that has come through our office.
fort dodge police officer
Pieces of her everywhere. They were eating her. I bet if they did autopsies, she's in their guts.
shauntaye phillips
The dogs bit a pretty big hole out of his arm and tore his artery, so he lost a lot of blood. He is on dialysis. He has to keep getting transfusions. They cut off his right arm.
captain michael crumley
[Our 911 caller] saw the dogs dragging around an object and turned around and then discovered that that object was a human being.
taylorsville police
All of the dogs had blood on and around their mouths and appeared to be in a frenzy ... He also observed that her leg had no flesh on it and only the bone remained.
federal lawsuit
The attack was nothing short of horrific, inflicting excruciating, boneexposing bites and tearing skin and muscle from his arms and other parts of his body.
chuck sutton
No flesh. No muscle. Nothing. No arm left but bone ... Have you ever seen what a bear can do to a human body? That's about the best I can describe it.
sheriff mason bynum
We noticed the injuries were severe trauma to the head so we did think that there was a high powered gunshot wound to the head...
adrian arispe
He was laying there face down, naked -- all torn up like a shark ate him. He had his shoes, socks, shirt ripped, and his whole body was just from head to toe diced and sliced. They were tugging him. All five ways.
arrest affidavit
Deputies saw the man lying on the ground with both ears detached, along with his nose and left eye detached.
emma willis
It was like someone skinned him. I’ve never seen anything like that before.
tya lucas
I had six surgeries ... been in the hospital for 13 days now ... I basically got eaten by our family dog.
gelena kelly
He had her by the neck and was dragging her body into the second room ... At that point, he was pretty much eating her alive.
police commissioner patrick ryder
The wife was on the ground, mutilated by the dog ... We don’t know what time the attack took place but there was obviously a lot of mutilation on the body and the arm, the face, the legs.
melvina moore
The dogs ate him up to the point where his body was decayed. They can't show me his body.
yahir martinez
Being a baby and having pampers on, it was jaw-dropping. I guess part of his face was missing, that’s what really got me.
john durand
800 to 1,000 bites around her body. Her ears, nose, upper lip and face, from cheek bone to cheek bone, were pulled off of her face.
victim's mother
She got attacked by my sister’s pit bull ... she has coded twice and has stopped breathing ... she is showing signs of severe brain damage.
shannon pingel
She told Shane who found her, "I have no arms, and I’m dying." She lost so much blood on the way to the hospital her heart stopped.
medical staff
Medical staff described her injuries as severe, noting her calf was "ripped off" and her arms were "barely attached to her body."
william plyler
He saw that one dog with Jayden shaking her with only her hands and her knees touching the ground by the neck, unconscious.
police officer blake dicello
Those dogs were not defending their property. They were viciously attacking and mauling two defenseless people.
carteret fire department
Do we have an update on the condition? Medic answered: "I have a 3-year old with total evisceration, open to the face, head and thighs."
matthijs van leeuwen
Right at that moment, the pitbull that held my dog at his neck, turned around came back and lunged at my head biting a large chunk out of my forehead ... I felt a portion of skin hanging over my right eye and the wound was bleeding profusely.
joe varanese
I flipped the dog over, slammed him on the ground -- that didn’t help, he came back stronger. I hit him with the leg of the wheelchair -- it didn’t even faze him.
sheriff jud smith
She had grit and asphalt under her fingernails where she was pulling away from these dogs and they were pulling back at her.
charity stinchcomb
Joslyn’s trachea was crushed and lacerated ... Those murderous dogs also grabbed her hair hard enough to pull her entire scalp off.
heidi dorazio
They scaled the roof, I heard two shots, then another two shots, and then they just cleared everybody out.
police chief william nebus
It was horrific, I mean, everybody's imaginations can run wild and it still wouldn't be the true picture of what was there and seen by the officers that arrived first.
kenneth miller
He was sitting there and blood was shooting out of his neck ... He bled out right in front of me. His last words were "Don't call 9-1-1."
police chief richard brown
D'Aleo suffered massive injuries including flesh, muscle and tendon loss to the lower extremities.
ingrid alvarado
She had bites on all four limbs. I couldn't help or hold her, because she had chunks of her arm missing.
sgt. kalani souza
It was horrific enough for our officers to call and treat this as a suspicious death.
police chief james heil
He had severe trauma; bite marks to his trunk and head and arms with just massive trauma. It was the most gruesome thing I've ever seen in 18 years of law enforcement.
deborah golden
I seen the little girl flat on her back with the bite marks and part of her neck hanging off. I started CPR and I had the dad grab the neck and hold it.
jennie greene
The coroner absolutely recommended absolutely no viewing of any kind. 'Please, don't put yourself through that -- or your family.'
fort pierce police report
Liquori's face was heavily damaged, missing both eyes and having her nose torn out of place. Liquori's head was covered in blood and she appeared to be missing part of her scalp.
shelby chadwell
He was barely breathing on the floor, a lot of blood, face down. It was the worst. It's not something I want to relive.
nina brown
They dragged her down the yard and all of her clothes were off, her shoes, everything. They tore all of her hair out, the casket can't be open, it's like a nightmare.
tim platt
The dogs basically ate my mom alive, ripping out a main artery in her throat, causing a severe stroke to the left side of her brain, leaving her half brain dead.
denzel whiteside
They were already splitting her in half ... One arm was already bit completely off, the other arm was barely hanging on by a piece of meat.
nioti koulianos
The attack was severe to the point where we're probably going to have a closed casket. The mother is not going to be able to see her baby's face ever again.
jason rash
I couldn't sleep. I was up all night. I was at the station. I threw up twice. It's just horrifying -- scary.
sheriff javier salazar
One of the relatives of the child actually looked out into the backyard and saw that the dog had his mouth around the little boy's neck and was shaking him.
jason dodge
She was just so chewed up, I mean there's just no coming back from that. The doctors did everything they could. They tried to give her blood and everything, and she'd just passed. There's nothing they could do, absolutely nothing.
sheriff james agnew
In my 40 years of law enforcement, I've never seen anything quite like it. Hope I never see anything like it again.
david swiniarski
Two 100, 120-pound pit bulls just getting his neck, his legs ... Everyone was screaming, but no one knew what to do.
captain rob mcdade
"It wasn't a good scene -- It was a brutal attack by the animal. It's hard when you see a child in that much trauma.
kerry dougherty
By the time rescue workers arrived, the woman's intestines were on the floor ... Her mother's arms were mangled. One arm was amputated before the poor woman died in the hospital the next morning.
slatington police chief david rachman
He grabbed her by the neck again and shook her like a rag doll. She was flopping around ... The way he attacked her, that's the way animals kill. His intention was to kill her.
vidya chellapilla
Then we see the dog started biting on her neck, started removing pieces from her neck. We didn't go there, because the dog looks really wild at that time.
betty long
I said to him, "The dogs are eating us. Send two ambulances."
angie smith
I couldn't tell if she was gone. I just knew, she had on a jacket and a book bag so I couldn't tell if she was breathing or not. I think that kind of saved her skin. I knew that her face was totally dismembered.
reporter describes injuries
Payton's cheek was fractured so dramatically that the bone was pushing on her muscle, paralyzing the right side of her face. Her eye socket was destroyed, which ultimately would have caused her eye to sink down into her sinus cavity.
mackenzie partin
By far it's probably the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. There was only 30 percent left of his body probably.
unnamed witness
All the flesh was ripped away from her calf. The artery was just hanging there. Half of her face was basically bitten off. She looked like she was dead. She had to lose two gallons of blood, easy.
officer sanchez
The bicep was missing, chunks ... I've seen a lot of dog bites, but these...I've never seen anything like this. She looked like she was attacked by a shark. There's chunks of meat that were off...
port huron police report
Her carotid artery had been severed, the trachea was damaged, her cervical spine was broken and there was possible damage to the jugular.
lucille strickland
They pulled him to the fence to the other dog in the fence, and the other dog grabbed his hood on his coat and pulled him under. And they started biting and eating my son.
dexter brown
He had blood all over him, all over the floor, everywhere. Flesh was hanging off his arms. It was the most awful mess I've ever seen.
miami-dade county coroner's report
The skin of the scalp and most of the face is absent ... The muscles of the face are mostly absent.
darlene white
She was just basically laying there, lifeless ... All I know is there was blood everywhere. He did a nasty job.
amanda strother
I went to the bathroom and my boy is dead. [Dispatcher: Why do you think he is dead?] Because there's blood all over his face.
bianca white
It had him around the neck, he wasn't letting go. He was just shaking him by his neck ... It was the scariest thing I ever seen in my life.
willetta tate
It's just unexplainable. You just don't get it when you've had the [pit bull] so long, I don't know what could have happened. I don't know.
neighbor ron
Cause the dogs absolutely chewed his left hand plum off. He lost six pints of his blood. And his face was tore off. His eye was hanging out. I mean I have never seen nothing like that.
leslie mcelrath
One dog grabbed her face and literally tore it off. The other one pulled her mouth off ... They've fixed that, and they reattached her face.
ron gulledge
He's fighting [but there's] still a long ways to go. It's terrible. You don't wish nobody to get eaten alive.
firefighter zachary sykora
Could see muscles, skin gone, major trauma throughout the body.
wayne walker
I knew she was dead right away ... It looked like [the pit bull] took a chunk of her throat out around the jugular.
ceara schofield
Every time my heart would beat, blood would gush out of my arms. So I was trying to hold them up, so I would not lose more blood.
roxanne hartrich
The [pit bull] initially went straight for the jugular ... Prepare yourself, he said, the damage is going to be excruciatingly painful to see.
gabby witt
I looked over the fence and I saw that lady laying there. What I remember was her head -- there was almost no hair left.
police chief todd duplantis
The mother was able to get away from the pit bull and barricade herself in a bedroom where she screamed for help and handed over her 4-year-old child through a window to medical personnel.
coroner kent harshbarger
We can't quantify [the number of bites] because they overlap. There's no way to put a range on it.
angela rutledge
I couldn't even call 911 because I kept slipping in the blood, and I kept dropping my phone.