Breed safety sterilization laws ::

A list of breed-specific mandatory sterilization ordinances, primarily aimed at pit bulls and other fighting breeds, from nine states. Some also require mandatory microchipping or insurance.

Breed-specific sterilization ordinances

Mandatory Pit Bull Sterilization Ordinances
Jurisdiction View Ordinance Type of Ordinance
Arkadelphia Section: 6.16 Restricts: pit bulls and American bulldogs including mandatory spaying and neutering
Avalon Section: 6-1.141 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Barstow Section: 8.20 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Desert Hotsprings Section: 6.04 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Fontana Section: 4-69 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Gilroy Section: 4.68 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Highland Section: 6.04.020 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Hollister Section: 6.20, 6.20.020 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls and chihuahuas
Lancaster Section: 6.08, 6.08.020 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls and rottweilers
noted ordinance
Manteca Section: 6.10 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Ripon Section: 6.56 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Riverside County Section: 6.08.125 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Riverside Section: 8.21.040 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Rohnert Park Section: 6.02.070, 6.04.160 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
San Bernardino County Section: 32.1501 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
San Francisco Section: 43 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
model ordinance
Santa Rosa Section: 7-30.210 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Sonoma County Section: 5-170, 5-171 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls, and all dogs running at large
Yucaipa Section: 6.04.098 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Yucca Valley Section: 10.02.175 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
LaGrange Section: 10-30-40, 10-30-45 Restricts: pit bulls, including mandatory spaying and neutering
noted ordinance
Wichita Section: 6.04, 6.04.052 Mandatory spaying, neutering and microchip: pit bulls; prohibits wolf-dog hybrids
noted ordinance
Ypsilanti Charter Township Section: 14-1 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Florissant Section: 205.395 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls
Falls City Section: 6-218 Restricts: pit bulls, rottweilers, bullmastiffs, cane corsos, canis panthers (Donovan pinschers) and presa canarios, including mandatory spaying and neutering and passing a Canine Good Citizen test or its equivalent
noted ordinance
O'Neill Ordinance No. 1364 Restricts: pit bulls and American bulldogs, including mandatory spaying and neutering
Bexley Section: 618.16 Restricts: pit bulls, including mandatory spaying and neutering, proof of canine insurance and the prohibition of electric fencing
noted ordinance
South Carolina
Beaufort Section: 6-4005 Pit bulls a "restricted dog" and mandatory spaying and neutering
Beaufort County Section: 14-30 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls, American bulldogs, American bullies and cane corsos
model ordinance
Town of Bluffton Section: 4-30 Mandatory spaying and neutering: pit bulls, American bulldogs, American bullies and cane corsos